Thursday, February 10, 2011

Complex vs complicated, The illusion.

Read a discussion between 2 chess players on facebook the other day on complex problems. And today I had 2 discussions on google chat. One with a friend wanting to understand the current issues and another with a fellow chess blogger.

Hmmmmm, maybe I need to explain again. The current war of words on the chess blog started when I supported a suggestion for selection made during the Mal/Sing match.

Now, it is almost impossible for these anonymous bloggers plus Jimmy to attack this directly. So they chose distraction. Lies followed by more lies and slander. And they chose to attack the Asean initiative. And they chose to use belligerence and profanities. Why? Because it repels your mind from the issues.

They use hate and dengki. Why? Because that will make some of you want to believe the lies.

Now this is called complicating the issue.

Yes, the issue is a little complex but really not that difficult. FGM wanted to provide training for the Asean players and they asked for the support of their corporate allies. And it was given. FGM did not mislead its allies nor paint the wrong picture to all the participants to the training. Great pains were undertaken to make sure there were no misconceptions. Details published on this blog plus a meet the parents together with MCF was undertaken. Questions were asked from the floor and 2 members of FGM plus MCF officials were present to explain.

But this was brought up again and distorted by Jimmy and cohorts. And so I have now published a portion of our internal correspondence to Air Asia. My purpose is that it will reduce the complications brought from the psychological attacks against both you and I so that we may focus on proper selection criteria again.

Observe carefully. That is what happens in chess too. They are losing. It's a complex position (in this case they actually have zero argument) and so they try to swindle the win. They attack your mind. You get flustered and then you lose. Complications.

On the internet, they create an illusion of numbers. Very easy to do. Same person not sleeping and going around posting all over the blogs. Poor man. There is just a very small handful of them. So they use a hate campaign in a desperate attempt to swell their numbers. Complications.

They want your mind away from selection. I have said the path to that GM is being able to reason. To see the complexities of argument. If you get distracted by the complications ie the noise in your mind resonated by the noise outside, you have veered off the road, lost the plot.


  1. Raymond Siew, I am giving you final warning not to smear my name anymore on your blog.

    "Now, it is almost impossible for these anonymous bloggers plus Jimmy to attack this directly. So they chose distraction. Lies followed by more lies and slander. And they chose to attack the Asean initiative. And they chose to use belligerence and profanities. Why? Because it repels your mind from the issues."

    and "But this was brought up again and distorted by Jimmy and cohorts. And so I have now published a portion of our internal correspondence to Air Asia. My purpose is that it will reduce the complications brought from the psychological attacks against both you and I so that we may focus on proper selection criteria again."

    Do not push me too far.

  2. Jimmy, is that a threat? I will continue to write what I think is right. You put yourself into this and you thought yourself immune and you thought that it was a one way street. It's fun isnt it when the other cannot fight back. Well that's the bully's fun. My suggestion. Stop the intimidation and I will have nothing more to write.

  3. You are delusional. Nobody is stopping from writing anything. I only ask that you stop bringing my name into this and smearing it.
    And this is not a threat, this is a last warning. Things will go to court if you sully my name again. This will end badly for one of us. I prefer this does not happen.

  4. Jimmy you do what you have to do. I prefer not to repeat myself. My stance is clear.
