Sunday, September 12, 2010

The value proposition

The missing link. I was talking to a friend in Penang on the phone during Raya. He has a strong aversion to anyone making money from chess. This is not the first time he has mentioned this to me. And so I thought on this.

You see, in a drama like the one our chess world is immersed in, people do make money. Sometimes lots of money but one thing is often missing. The giving of value is missing.

Actually there is nothing wrong with money. It is essential to the survival of any enterprise. But the money should be earned as the result of giving value.

To give value, one must think deeply about how to solve the problems we have, how to help people achieve their hopes and dreams.

But alas, we are enmeshed in the cultivation of dirty tricks. And we see the results of that. Wierd decisions of who goes to the Olympiads, lack of transparency, charging for things we didnt do etc etc.

I have wondered why for some time now. Why do these people want money that way? They are constantly vilified, criticised. And they want respect but seem totally unable to ever do the right thing except as another side show. They try to project confidence and yet they are not.

So I suggest this way out of the quandary, give value. Sit down and really think about how to deliver a good development program, make policies that work. Think through what it takes to create that GM. Eschew dirty tricks; all the energy spent there will never get you the respect you want. Spend that energy instead on giving value. There is nothing wrong in making money. But there is something wrong when you make money and do not give value in return.

Stop trying to put each other down. Instead try to work together in a complimentary way. You'll find that new energy is released when you get results, when you give value. You'll also get the respect you crave. When you achieve milestones, achieve success.

Some people have told me that I speak in riddles. I dont think I do. But I may be talking of things outside their ken. So I'll leave you with an example. Look here.

Here money is made and people are happy to give it. It's not the cost that I think is the problem, people can pay. Its when you give no value that creates the problem. Please note that emasters charge the same rates as an American firm but is based in Ipoh. Do think on this. Things can change when we can change. Think of this also. Chess is about change.

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