Monday, September 13, 2010


Change. I need to change but how? What to change? I saw these words on a young girls notepad many years ago at a seminar. I cant remember what the seminar is about now but I remember those words.

In Subic Bay I had a chat with Jovan, Singapore's National Coach, where I described chess as the game of change. It's amazing that after all the millions and millions of games, no two games are alike. This expresses the vast diversity of thinking in the human mind. This fact implies that flexibility of thinking is a requirement of chess. For understanding. And flexibility can also be described as little resistance to change.

This seamless ability for change is not only important for understanding but also for stamina. Observe this. If you struggle in your mind during play ie too much chatter, strong emotions of impatience, anger, fear or even exuberance you tire. And you tire fast. All these factors increase resistance in the mind.

We want strong chess players and yet the bastion of chess is mired in deep resistance to change. There is not even official recognition of these aspects of the mind game. Does this factor increase or lower our chances of producing strong players?

Try talking to someone who just doesnt get it. Do you find that conversation draining? Then find someone who's mind is open. Talk to him/her. See how it feels. Try it this week as you meet people, talk to people. See the difference in energy. See this and you will be able to begin a new journey in chess. :)

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