Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DeBono and imagined fears

When Debono was all the rage, I bought his books. Lateral thinking. The new way forward. But then I realised this. He doesnt talk about emotions. His premise is that its a technical matter. Teach the techniques and voila we have thinking people. And so when I wrote my work, yes, as far as I know, I came up with the term imagined fears and attempted to expound on it, I included emotions and its effects on thinking. Read here.

A simple father from Ipoh with time on his hands. Why not? Put my thinking for all to see. It's the same with chess isnt it? The same with bridge. All can see your thinking. Afterall I can only be proven wrong. No big deal.

But I got enquiries from the Veterans Association of America. They wanted to know how my work can be applied to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome cases. A psychologist sponsored my work and a few other people actually read it.

Why are we so afraid? It's only the ego. Imagined fears. Why do we sit down and say there is nothing we can do? Why only complain? Do something. Anything. Then we show our kids we are not helpless and one day we can take on the English in chess on a more level playing field. But first trust yourself.

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