Friday, September 24, 2010

Pressure-The self talk

We are constantly talking to ourselves. So what we are saying in our head is either helping to reduce the pressure or increasing it. This is important for this is the only thing totally in our control. The external pressures are by and large not.

So if you have a short fuse, the pressure racks up; if you are negative the pressure goes up; if you are not sufficiently prepared, doubts creep in; if you have unrealistic expectations, you are beating yourself up. Can you see that? So there are many factors to preparing the mental warrior. Other than technical.

If the preparation is enough what you will achieve is a reduction of chatter in the mind. See here.

And when the mind is quieter, you will begin to see into the mind of the other. You will begin to "hear" their thoughts. This is something many bridge players achieve. For without the noise in your mind, you'll see much more.

Now go back to our games with England and Lithuania. Imagine yourself in our players shoes. What do you think is the decibel level in their minds? Can you train this away? The answer is yes.

At a certain decibel the mind disassembles.

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