Thursday, September 23, 2010

Question to the technical analysts

If Mas had played Qe3 on his last move before accepting draw, would it have made a difference?


  1. The Laws of Chess said, a person is deemed to declined an offer if he responded with a move. So, what is the intention of your question - To show the world that Mas is giving a mate threat?

    If Mas really played that move and counter offer a draw to GM. My guess is the super GM will be offended and will play on until he crushes Mas.

    By the way, I'm sure Mas does not have the ability to count for "a win into endgame" even though comp. analysis said White will eventually win in 25 moves or so. [Can only win provided Mas has a technical strength of 2800+ which he didn't possess]

    This is where Adams will wait for an equaliser shot in the next 15 moves, and continue his K-side attacking plan and crush Mas over the next 20 moves from the equalise position.

  2. Eventhough the position is in White's favour after 19 moves, contrary to the opposite evaluation reports given by Jimmy and Rationality.

    My stand will be same with both commentators that the acceptance of draw is wise decision based on the comments I posted on "Chess ia a game" section.

    Btw, f4 is the better choice than Qe3. It can reach an identified winning position earlier than Qe3.

    This showed Msians are weak technically, it is sad to say that it is the same for our top Msians players as well.

    This what make a Msian GM is a pipe dream but then I believe Li Tian will not end up like them and chart himself into the uncharted water.

  3. Which engine are you using that says "It can reach an identified winning position earlier than Qe3"? Are you implying that Qe3 or f4 is a forced win?

    Also I never said (at least i dont remember, might have to go back and read again) that White is better or worse.

  4. I think what Anon is saying Jimmy is that you supported Rationality's evaluation and so the both of you are in agreement and anon takes an opposing view to the technical analysis.

  5. "Eventhough the position is in White's favour after 19 moves, contrary to the opposite evaluation reports given by Jimmy and Rationality."

    Implies that both of us think that white is worse. Re-read all my posts, I never gave any such evaluation. I remember because Mas game was the only one I was not sure what was happening.

  6. R,
    This had happened before. In Olympiad 2008, Germany was whitewashing Malaysia 3-0. When GM Gustafsson offered the draw, Lim Yee Weng readily accepted it - salvaging a half point for Malaysia. 1/2 - 3 1/2. (But some people was pushing for ; 29.Qxf7 QxQ 30.Ne7+ Kh8 31.BxQ white emerges a pawn up (with minor winning chances?)(Lim Yee Weng was White)..

    I think if it were an individual event, both Malaysians would played on.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Are you implying that Qe3 or f4 is a forced win?"

    One of the above answer will get a win eventually because there are too many potholes and traps for Black when he continues in the game. I'm assuming White has the same technical strength as the engine or at least at Kasporov / Magnus technical strength.

    Of course it will be too much to ask for in the case of Mas. Jimmy, you will see what I mean (technical-wise) if you have made engine as your profession of work in chess.

  9. Somehow Adams was not at his best with the way he played the first 19 moves against Mas.

    So, the win will come eventually if Mas has the technical knowledge but is going to be a long winded fighting process which it is not wise to do for Rd 1 game.

  10. Thank you all for taking the trouble to comment.

  11. It is immaterial what the engine thinks. They are not there. What the players themselves think is what matters.

    After Qe3 c5. White does not gain much. The engines might think they are winning in 20 moves from there. It does not matter. They are not playing the game.
