Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fide Zonals and how our Associations sabotage the Juniors.

Before I start on this topic, I had an anonymous person comment on the last post. Here. Since I do not allow anonymous comments I have deleted it. The point raised, apart from the usual nasties, was that World Youth is only up to U16. Again this is the result of too many years of the current culture of Malaysian chess where Chess stops you from being able to think, reason or read. But anyway try reading this here. Can you see U18 anywhere? Try reading again for if you cannot then your chess cannot progress. Chess is about thinking and a lot of knowledge can be gained from being able to read.

As I was saying in my last post our Associations are actively sabotaging our Juniors in order to preserve the interests of certain seniors long after their due dates. Still skeptical? Ok, try this then. Look at this post. Here.

This was sent to me by a friend in the Philippines. This is the Fide Zonals. The Juniors in the Philippines are encouraged to play there and the competition is very tough. But for us to qualify you need to be endorsed by MCF. Now the curious thing is that our Juniors are not even informed of the opportunity to play there. After U16, there is no more attempt to develop our players. And it is the U18 and U20's that are closest to moving us to the next level. But we don't even give them this information and MCF does not facilitate for their participation and growth.

An aside: This is a little like the culture in PICA during my time in 2009. Many players were not even informed of NAG at that time. But this has since changed. Imagine that, its only been a short time since then.

So we need change at the Federation level too. Information like this must be given out to our Junior players. Can you imagine the shame of it all that I am informed of this by a foreign source? MCF must facilitate the development of our older Juniors by giving out information within their purvue.

MCF needs to have selection so that our Juniors and other more advanced players can compete for a place at the senior level. MCF must not make back door deals and protect the people who attack our Juniors when they win in selection.

And there is more. With the support of their Federation, some Philipino players are able to get private sponsorship to play in Tournaments around the region. I understand that this is also done in Indonesia. Here is Malaysia, MCF is reluctant to give out letters for players to get private sponsorship because they want the sponsors to pay into MCF and not to the players directly. And the reason for that? Well, think about it. Where do the money go to? I have even heard of a case where the sponsors money was "misappropriated". But to be fair this was not during Greg's time.

Anyway the accounts of MCF when it does come out will be very revealing of what MCF does with sponsors money.

Are you starting to see why Jimmy is still playing for Malaysia? Can he stop the Juniors by himself? Or will he need the support and collusion of certain officials, arbiters, organisers, trainers etc. Think about it.

Isn't it time we stopped this nonsense and start developing our amazing talent in Malaysia? Or do you really want to see Jimmy still playing for Malaysia after all our Juniors and other strong players have been sabotaged to facilitate for his holidays? And then you have to grimace and bear with their claims that they love chess, they are doing it all for the love of the game. And they are serving to lead etc etc. Serving whom?


  1. raymond quote "And there is more. With the support of their Federation, some Philipino players are able to get private sponsorship to play in Tournaments around the region. I understand that this is also done in Indonesia. Here is Malaysia, MCF is reluctant to give out letters for players to get private sponsorship because they want the sponsors to pay into MCF and not to the players directly. And the reason for that? Well, think about it. Where do the money go to? I have even heard of a case where the sponsors money was "misappropriated". But to be fair this was not during Greg's time." -

    Dear raymond, sebab itu the only way to stop this problem seperti ialah sm work very2 hard untuk dapatkan penajaan catur dan organiser catur yg mempunyai hadiah wang yang bermutu sikit dan tidak gunakan yuran penyertaan sebagai hadiah wang tunai seperti .... . Sebab itu tahun ni sahaja iaitu 2012, cerdik catur dapat bawa dana untuk aktiviti catur melebihi rm100 ribu ringgit daripada penajaan.

    TRACK RECORD kami dalam kejohanan catur terbuka sungguh menggerunkan juga apabila kesemua 9 kali berturut2 kejohanan catur terbuka yang melibatkan pengendalian /marketing kami catat penyertaan lebih 100 peserta dan 3 kali berturut kejohanan terakhir terbuka kendalian cerdik catur catat penyertaan lebih 200 peserta. Pihak kami merasa bangga sekarang kerana apabila pihak kami jumpa penaja,kami terpaksa akui dan mengatakan bahawa cerdik catur adalah organisasi catur terbaik di malaysia dengan TRACK RECORD yang hebat dan lebih hebat dari MCF,CAS dan mana2 private dan chess association di selangor dan kl.

    Sebab tuu pihak kami tiada masalah langsung dari segi kena sabotaj atau merasa rendah diri bila maklumkan kepada pihak penaja mengenai pencapaian cerdik catur enterprise tahun ini. TRACK RECORD aktiviti catur kendalian cerdik catur membuktikan segala-galanya. hehehe

  2. Congratulations on your success. I think a good way forward is for the Associations to do their primary work which is to govern fairly, facilitate and to run their State level or National level tournaments. Private organisers like yourself, trainers, coaches should be allowed to compete based on merit. Then we will see positive growth as more ideas and higher level skills come into the system. Don't confuse Association work from private work. That has been the main reason why we are in the rot we are in now.
