Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Use the spirit of the Juniors.

When Sumant first came to my house and told me he didn't know how to improve it was a revelation. After all he had spent a few months in India under a GM the year before. The first revelation is that he was beyond the level of the trainers in Malaysia. There is nothing here that they can teach him anymore. The second revelation is that he is not yet at the stage where a GM is useful.

This we found out for ourselves too. Mark was also under the care of a GM abeit online. And much of the lessons the GM had to teach was too far advanced. You see, at the GM level they have already done all the basics we have yet to do.

All the things that FGM has tried to do is to fill the gap on the technical level. And for that I use peer training. That is a much underestimated tool but a very powerful one.

Now consider this. Zhuo Ren and Sumant would not have come to me for the SEA games training if they felt that I was not giving value. Sumant had been with us for nearly 2 years and he is a very intelligent person. He would have left much earlier if I was wasting his time.

All the juniors who have made it to U16 or U18 level in Asean, Asian or World are beyond the level of our trainers. They can in fact replace many of them. But they are also not at the GM level.

What they need is to toughen their minds after years of abuse. What they need is to learn discipline and to apply all that they know to winning competitions. That is what competitor analysis does. It squeezes knowledge that you actually have but don't know you have and it forces you to apply it to winning a tournament and not a game. And that requires training. Here.

So what are we telling them now so publicly? They are very close to taking the lead in the Country if we do not puncture them. We are saying to them that if you try to improve by exploring new knowledge, we will hammer you. We will ridicule you in public, we will "ban" you. And after 20 we will close all the doors. All of you will have to fight for is one place while we keep the backdoor open to those who have the fat numbers and the deal.

It doesn't matter if you are now stronger than the fat numbers or will be soon. The door is shut. And you will not make it by improving your chess. The only way in after 20 is by making a deal with us.

As you can see over the last year or so. We will sabotage any attempt for improvement. And what is MCF doing about it?

So the juniors have it right. They can improve by sharing among themselves. And they can improve if they understand this. Read here

But they and anyone else not so junior who dares to compete need the door to be opened. Need to be assured that if they train to win they will not be publicly humiliated or their parents attacked. Now isn't that apparent that this is happening now?

Give them the chance and in a few years time we will have a fighting team. A fighting Malaysia.

Correction. Sumant went to an IM in India. Not a GM.

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