Sunday, May 20, 2012

The rise and fall of Jimmy Liew.

Ref: Here.

Note: My dispute with Jimmy is not personal but based on principle. After many attempts to reach him I finally concluded that he was too damaged to be able to reason with. Nevertheless every iota of achievement must be duly accorded to him. However he is also accountable for all the damage he has done.

So let us follow this story to see how Jimmy went from his greatest heights to attacking a training program for the juniors, to attacking the juniors themselves. Why he trains for SEA games by playing in the Veterans of Malaysia Open?

We need to open our eyes to this; to understand how we are failing our players so that we are able to make changes to ensure that this never happens to anyone of our players ever again.

As I have often said, chess is a double edged sword. It can build if taught and used correctly. But it can also tear down.

Cautionary note: The Author, Ilham is a die hard Jimmy fan and may not be objective in this matter. I have had the experience of introducing him to a parent that benefited from the Asean junior training program so that he can learn the truth about it from the lies that were spread by Jimmy's blog/s. However he came from the interview just saying that the parent was "nice".

Still if you read with discernment you will understand more of what is wrong with our chess leadership.

It is still my sincerest hope that Jimmy can wake up and see where the damage to him has really come from and not hit out at innocents from his anger and rage. That is a very important step to recovery.

ps: My next posting, Tournament Strategy, Part 2 may offer a further clue to the answers.

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