Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let us count the numbers.

The key is understanding the motive element. Actually it takes the collusion of failed trainers, failed businessmen and certain parents to keep us backwards.

Think about this.

If they are good trainers, they will not need to resort to banning, backdoor entries for their pupils by joining associations as a crutch. They will be too busy making Champions and the money that can be derived from it. In fact they will want tough competition to showcase the product of their work.

If they are good businessmen, they will not need to leach all the money from the associations so that we have no money to properly train our players before representing our Country.

And the parents, ah the parents. They come in and volunteer manpower, they bring in sponsors, they pay for their child's training. And some will get invited to join the Associations as committee. Is that a compliment? I don't think so. I think it means they think you can be controlled.

They will bait you by making you think they can make Champions of your child. They do that by telling you your child is no good???? Yes, by telling you your child is lousy. Then they show you the backdoor. And if you take the bait, if you fall for this mind trick, then your child will truly become lousy.

Crazy yes? And if you cannot be controlled then they sack you. No grounds required. And by the way, they will make the same promises to all the other parents. :) That is the game.

And so the trainers will make money, the businessmen who cannot make it in the real world will make money. And the parents? Well they will come and they will go. Plenty of fresh meat.

There will also be other part players invited into the associations. But for those of you who have joined, see if they ask you for your opinion, see if you have any say in how things are done. Then you will see the motive. You are only there to be used when convenient.

Let me give you another litmus test. Let us count the numbers. Ask them what they think of the questions raised by FGM. From the answers you will know who they are. You can see the motive element. And then you can count how many of them there really are. :)

It's just an illusion. Their numbers are pathetically small.

And if the parents do not give their support anymore, the game is finished. And then no more players over time, no more sponsors and no more do the parents pay for what the Associations should be doing.

And so we need the 3 collusions to keep us backwards. And the only party that will pay and pay but get no benefit in return will be the parents. They cannot make your child a Champion can they? It's just something they tell you to control you. Ah parents, parents. They use your anxieties and your fears against you. And then they profit.

And they have been doing it for the last 30 plus years. When are you going to wake up? Look at the profit motive. They have no principles do they? They have given up. All they want is a cushy life supported by you.

Why work at improving when you so willingly give them your money, labour and contacts when they dangle an illusion in front of you?

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