Saturday, May 5, 2012

The new Malaysian chess agenda.

The new Malaysian chess Agenda must be about bringing our strongest players to higher heights. Juniors and seniors. Ref: Here and here.

Where would all that energy go to if the chess agenda of our Associations is taken over by:

1. Trainers who's knowledge stops at a very low level and so need to manipulate backdoors for their students and cooking ratings.

2. Profiteers who leach all the money away so that the associations do not have the money to train our strongest players before sending them to compete with giants overseas.

3. Parents who use the Associations to bring their kids in from the backdoor.

These side agendas stop us from progressing. As you can see, there is a lot of passion in Malaysian chess. And we have also been given a lot of talent. An amazing amount of talent. And yet we lag behind.

The only agenda for Malaysian chess is to find the best for our players with all that we have. 

There can be no side agenda. No Chinese Agenda, No Malay Agenda, No Indian Agenda, No other Agendas except the Malaysian Agenda. Focus.

Then we will soar. Or all this energy, all this passion, all this talent will produce nothing. As we have seen over the last 30 plus years. Go and look again at the 3 main agendas I have talked about that has kept us from our very own GM.

Aren't those the reasons why we have the match fixings, the funny selection criteria where suddenly a pupil and a "political" appointee can appear? The bannings and the slogan "you are all washed out by 14yo". The funny PR campaigns and the attacks on any strong player that is not "sanctioned".

Consider this. What happens to the fire after prolonged exposure to the 3 agendas?

And then they start the whole cycle again with "fresh meat".

Stop those 3 agendas and we will be celebrating a Malaysian victory among the strong fields that come here instead of seeing them take away all the top prizes and we have "special" consolation prizes for us. Aren't you fed up with that?

Lets stop cheering for the consolation prizes; we are better than that. Lets go for the main prize.

All my best.

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