Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are we failing the Nation?

They keep trying to say that I do not know anything about chess. Maybe its them that have lost their way. Lets examine this today. What is the game of chess? Is it about forward thinking, decision making? Is it about the decision making process, the state of your mind before making a decision or is it about nit picking and doing "postmortems"?

Let me use an analogy here. If you learn chess the correct way you should be attempting to look at the issues surrounding the building of the Highland Towers. Looking ahead, anticipating problems. And putting up a building that is safe. You would have considered that railroad pilings may not be suitable in that area.

Note: I do not use this example lightly. I lost 2 friends in the incident.

If you learn chess the Jimmy way, you would probably be there after the building has collapsed and then be nit picking and shifting the blame.

The way you are trained in chess will determine the way you look at things. As I have said before, not all will become chess masters or want to become GM's. But all can benefit from correct chess training.

Note: The road to that GM also comes from correct decision making and not the "Jimmy" postmortem route. Look carefully and see what his method has done to him.

Which Architect or Engineer will you trust? The one that is trained in thinking skills and decision making or the one that comes and tell you why the building has collapsed after it has collapsed?

I am interested in your thoughts/emotional state before you make the decision to move. A lousy teacher will tell you what to think. A good teacher questions your thinking. Ergo, the mind coach. Look at this again. Here.

So lets look at this type of thinking here. Ref: Here. Have you heard of Rip Van Winkle? The man fell asleep and woke up many years later and found life had passed him by. Here we see the thinking of a chess player who is still trying to find the answers to a game long since passed instead of trying to win the game in front of him.

What are the issue before us today? Selection and the MCF AGM. Both are critical issues.

This is what we should be looking at. Here.

And we should be looking at it before we crash at the Olympiad. Now isn't that how real chess should be played?

Or do you think his methods work? Ref: Here. If you read back further on his blog you will see postmortems galore. He will tell you why Dubai 1986 where he played was the best ever. He will postmortem the last Olympiad. He will postmortem games.

But hey, we have Fritz. And Fritz is much better than you Jimmy. And so we don't need you to tell us why the building collapsed after the incident. But you cannot even look at issues can you? You are too well trained at making excuses, deflection, misdirection, lies etc. That is how your learnt your version of chess. And now you cannot face reality.

A real chess player would be looking at the coming selection, trying to find solutions. Trying to get our best team out there. Trying the set realistic goals. Looking at how to train our players before we send them out. For that is real chess.

So are we failing the Nation? Which set of thinkers are we building up? How MCF deals with selection will give us a strong clue of what our chess is like. Is it the Rip Van Winkle type or the lets just nit pick and deflect and hopefully no one will notice that the Olympiad has come and gone. And then Jimmy will postmortem type?

So which type of chess would you rather learn? The one that helps you determine the best play before the move, that is part of your plan. The decision made without anxiety or fear but carefully considered before the tournament and before each move during the game;

Or the Jimmy type where he tells you or "tries" to tell you where you went wrong after you have lost.

FGM says we look at selection before we send a useless team out. So lets look at this carefully and then make our decision as strong chess players. One well trained in the mind sport. Here.

Or have we been paralysed from being able to think, to make decisions? And we still say chess makes our kids smart? Lets demonstrate that if it is true. Lets make a power decision on selection before the move.

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