Thursday, May 17, 2012

How do you know when you have lost in chess?

You have lost when you use belligerence. You have lost when you use intimidation. You have lost when you cut and paste select lines to manipulate opinion. You have lost when you write your own anonymous postings. See here for examples. Here. There is plenty more if you continue to read further on this blog as well as the satellite blogs.

You have lost when you deflect, misdirect and lie. You have lost when you claim to have large numbers when what you are actually doing is working overtime to create new anonymous blogs and comments. See here.

Am I still talking about chess?

Yes. Here's why. When you go to the Olympiads and you meet the English team again, you will have no answers. What are you going to do against the cold hard wall of deep reasoning and superior training. Will the Jimmy method win the day or will it flounder against this wall?

What are you going to do? Change the rules? Shout at them? Ban them? Lie and tell the arbiter that the fella stole your queen that should be sitting there? Sweep the pieces onto the floor? Which weapon from "Jimmy's methods" will you use to win the day? Tell them you have superior numbers so they better resign? Tell them you didn't know this was the Olympiad and can we replay the game again because you weren't serious the first time?

This is what we should be doing. Here. Send our best team forward. Train them well, toughen their minds. Do competitor analysis. That should be our focus now and our answer to the Olympiad. Face our opponents squarely. Without fear. We too learn to reason deeply, we too train as hard.

For if we do not do this, we have already lost. Chess.

So are we going to try Jimmy's childish method. It only works to around 12 plus. After that you are only fat numbers lead to the slaughter.

But isn't that the problem. They do not even know when they have lost do they? They are that far gone. Even after they have been checkmated, they blink their eyes and try to lie their way out. Is that what we want to teach our players? Do we still hold up the Jimmy method as our pride and joy?

Or do we want to go to the Olympiads to fight. To fight with pride and honour for the Nation.

It all starts with proper selection. Here again.

Note: The term Jimmy method applies to a collection of behaviour by different people who chooses to continue to bury their heads in the sand. They include the people who tell you you are all washed out by 14, the ones that try to ban players without rhyme or reason etc etc. I think the term is apt because it also shows most visibly what happens to the player after he has been hammered for years without proper training and support.

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