Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reply to Abdooss

Dear Abdooss,

In your questions to me in "The need to express", there is a work that you can refer to. The book is written by M Scott Peck called "People of the lie". There he documents a few clinical studies of how the lies work by the use of half truths, self denial etc. You may find it instructive. Applied to chess and also the writings on the blogs, you can see its use in misdirection, the use of psychological attacks to confuse etc.

I have not answered your questions directly because I believe you will learn much more if you come to your own conclusions. See my philosophy here.


  1. R,

    But I do find them a waste of time - answering to baseless accusations, that is. Don't you?

  2. Yes I do find it tiring. It's not much fun. We should be in coaching in chess but we wont get there unless we can understand what is hindering us. The purpose of this blog is to raise awareness. We need to learn how to identify the forces that are stopping us. Maybe not for you, me or NJ. But there are always new victims. I am writing more for them.

  3. In a way, its actually good that they appear on this blog. It allows the other readers a chance to examine how they think.
