Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Analysis from Olympiad

Read here. Seems to me Singapore is doing something right.


  1. Singapore's board 2,3 and 4 is represented by juniors aged 15-18 and played all 11 games.

  2. I think we need to ask our officials just what they are doing? Are they going to do something to stop the rot? And how long do they want this nonsense to continue?

  3. Don't forget that Singapore have GM Zhang Zhong ( a former Chinese player) playing first board. Zhang Zhong is a very strong GM 'import' by Singapore. Without Zhang Zhong i don't think Singapore will get good result.

    Having said that, i think we should not copy what Singapore has done which is to import already strong GM instead of giving local born player/talent to play.

  4. They got the strategy right.

    A GM suporting 3 juniors. The GM enables the juniors to play at higher boards.

    We should have MAS and Mok + 3 juniors.

    Li Tian , Eng Cheam , Evan , Zhou Ren etc make more sense than Greg and Peter. 40+ and past their prime

  5. I think any improvement is the right step. There may be merit in the GM coaching the other 3 juniors in a live high pressure tournament as a short term step. But in the longer term, yes. We want Malaysians to be proud of our own achievements.
