Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Consider carefully ALL the variables and forces

Read this. and then this.

In trying to resolve a problem we need to see all the variables. We cannot bury our heads in the sand. We need to consider deeply because then and only then can we defend our conclusions.

That is the first thing I teach. Think well first then only think well fast. If we do not do that we will face insurmountable doubts as we move along. We will not be able to hold fast to our strategy.

The forces against change both outside and inside our minds will challenge our conclusions. Yes inside our minds too. Have you seen the hesitations on the boards? The change of plan not because of evidence but because of doubt. When the noise gets so loud you cannot think anymore?

So look hard and then decide for yourself. The only one you need to convince, to prove to, is yourself. That is the beginning of confidence. When you can trust yourself and your own conclusions, you can play real chess. Then you are playing against the opponent and not fighting yourself and your doubts. The still mind.

Watch out for the half truths, the misdirections. See if they can join the dots. Look carefully to see if they have acknowledged the evidence; if carefully considered or just reacting.

Then form your own conclusions. As I said before we need to get out of the counselling stage to the coaching stage. In the coaching stage, learning is fast, we can do capacity building etc. etc.

In the counselling stage we go round and round. Most of the comments I deleted are in the first link above. See how they think. You need to recognise the forces against change, against progress.

Good luck.

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