Monday, October 18, 2010

Force field-the community

History has shown us that the community is not usually the agent for change but it is the only force that can sustain change. The overall awareness and complexion of the community determines the quality of the institutions and leadership.

I hope I have made you aware of a small but vocal force in chess that is extremely resistant to learning and they are doggedly against any change. There has been some speculation as to who they are. Some have said that they are the beneficiaries of the abuses but I choose not to speculate. I dont think it is helpful.

However as in any business we know that these forces cannot be ignored or they can bring down an enterprise. It is the same in a community but slightly different in the sense we cannot sack them but they are equally destructive here all the same. I have brought them to your awareness, you have seen how they think. That is enough. Let me try to explain why.

What can we tell about them from their dialogue so far? I think it is safe to assume that they do not have much courage. If they did they would recognise courage. They are also not builders for then they would recognise efforts to build. We can see the anger and bitterness in them and they cannot show themselves. That is what makes them so dangerous. In the open they will try to appear reasonable but they will whisper in the corridors or huddle in corners; they will try to get positions of authority for they do not like being ignored.

As Salleh mentioned, Malaysians do not like conflict, confrontation. So what can we do if we want change? In my experience as a Counsellor, confrontation is not always a good thing. It is usually better to quietly tell them that what they are doing is wrong. And the best way is by example. Remember they are unaware. Many do not know that they are destructive. Some think they are heros when they attack a child, some think they are right when they fix a match for their kids, some think that all they need to do to get respect is to aim for a high post and then do nothing. Realise what they are looking for and dont give it to them that way.

Remember I went to the office of the PICA official? Do it in private. Give them a chance to change. Do not sit in judgement. Remember that once we didnt know ourselves. I didnt appreciate the lessons my mentors tried to impart to me at that time. I had not gone through enough struggle yet myself. It takes time and its a process.

But you must say something, do something or change wont come. We deal with imagined fears in the mind and real fears by action. We cannot think away real fears.

If you look at the example of PICA, it only takes a small handful to subvert a whole State. Look hard at the evidence. How many Perakians have come out in the last 10 years. Perak is a strong chess State with a lot of talent but it is in sharp decline. Almost all their talent are now imports.

The real secret to change is dont try to force them to change. Just change yourself. Speak up when you see another child abused, tell the officials that we expect them to do their job. Do it respectfully but truthfully. Do not support fixed tournaments. Do not sponsor unless they do their part too. Vote with your action. Use the Gandhi Gambit.

Shut down the noise in your own head. They are using your fears against you. Your ego against you. Listen to your own quiet voice of reason. Change yourself. When enough of you can do that, change will come. The complexion of the community will change. When enough of you are aware that we need a positive and nurturing environment for that GM, we will get him/her.

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