Sunday, July 25, 2010

My perspective and offer of solution

I see that we are very much mired in ego based rather than result based decisions. Read here.

That is why we observe the drama surrounding the Asean training. Supplier that was out to "take over" the training rather than doing its job properly. Overcharging as if they do not have the confidence of repeat business from a job well done. MCF in part supporting and in part sabotaging, depending on the emotion of the moment. The conflict of; we need to do something but shit if First GM succeeds we will look real bad. No clarity or mental strength to hold a decision. We also observe some parents "sabotaging", maybe because if the training succeed their kid/s may not get to represent Malaysia in future tournaments. Short sightedness.

In this climate we will keep running around in circles for a long time more. A chicken running around without its head.

But we can change things in 2 simple steps.

Step 1 to turning our fortunes is getting proper criteria for selection. This one "little" step will have a system wide effect. Read here. Parents can help. Stop asking for "favours".

Step 2. Demand for results. Measureable results. Eg. Next Asean, how many golds, silvers etc. Get them to state it now when there is time to prepare. Not whine after the fact.

What is our problem? I will postulate an answer here. Our kids are smart. Real smart. High IQs. Proven. But after 12 they slip. I believe that the cause is because we have not helped them to handle the emotional baggage that comes together with competition. To deal with the wrong conclusions, wrong assumptions. In short we need to see bigger than just the technical. We need to face the real problem.

There is one perspective, one understanding, that will be helpful in this endeavour. And that is understanding that ego based decisions are not helpful. It takes us away from our goal. Ego does not want to see the real issues. It is a defence against admitting mistakes/failure. Ego creates drama to hide no results. To drain our energy so that we have no more useful energy to get results.

We cannot stop it altogether but if we can reduce it sufficiently to work together, then our future will be bright.

Just 2 steps. Can we do it?

Without fear or favour. Thats what this term really means. With one properly set goal we can turn things around. With one result, that we set together, achieve together, we will see the climate change. Then our GM will come.


  1. "But after 12 they slip. I believe that the cause is because we have not helped them to handle the emotional baggage that comes together with competition. To deal with the wrong conclusions, wrong assumptions. In short we need to see bigger than just the technical. We need to face the real problem."

    You yourself did not even get the right conclusion. Your opinion is half correct. The other half which you have not highlight is Our above 12 y.o. did not have enough substance TECHNICALLY to survive over the board.

    Off course, you may disagree with me because you have not seen what is the type of substance needed technically.

  2. Actually I dont disagree with you. You are half right. There is till the technical of course. But that is still only a part of the problem. Open up your mind and look around you. Give yourself that much freedom.
