Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good video by Jimmy


Yes, I am "only" the manager and Coach to my players. I hope this means that Jimmy will be going to the Malaysian Open. I think a good way for us to progress is to measure the current strength of our old IM's. This will help us break out from the glass ceiling. See here.

It is good that Jimmy has made a stand on this issue. I believe every good player needs a good manager, trainer and coach and he now states that only the players should have a say. Two schools of thought. And finally declared. So now we can compare. See you at Malaysian Open Jimmy. Good luck.

ps: I stated somewhere that we believe that our current IM's are playing at around the 2200 level in today's chess. But let me put a caveat here. The possible exception is Mas Hafizul. This is just the opinion of the people I have talked to. Malaysian Open is a good test to see if this opinion has any credit. And since Jimmy has openly said that he wants to "unmask" me as a fraud, I am sure he will relish this opportunity at the Malaysian Open to do so. Ref: Here.

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