Saturday, August 18, 2012

Old titles and boundaries.

Ref: Here.

You are only as good as your last success. And 1983 was a long long time ago. I tend to trust more those who are still fighting in today's world to improve and so I share a lot with other coaches of successful players. Those who have created teenage IM's and FM's etc.

Let me share one bit of information that I have learnt from them. Today's game is very different. Those days it took months and sometimes years to battle proof an opening but today, with advancement in technology and the internet, that learning process can be shortened to months, even weeks. So technically that is already a vast difference. Think on this during the hols and we can discuss this further after Datmo. I believe this is material and will impact on the Olympiad.

The point is this. You are welcome to your own opinion about how great you are. But let the results show on the board. You have crossed the line when you attack my training, when you attack my players. Boundaries. You do not have a patent on judgement. You cannot force me to accept your views without even at least a convincing argument. You have crossed the line when you try to slip in from the backdoor without doing the work. When you try to sabotage a whole Nation and force them to only use your method when it doesn't even work anymore. Otherwise you ban them etc.

If you believe so strongly in your superiority then show us the proof; the results on the table. We will not bend to intimidation and harassment. That is not the way.

You stick to your method according to your best judgement and I will stick to mine. Then we test our ideas out on the board. That is the only legitimate way. You guys are cheating, plain and simple. You don't dare to play in a strong field and yet you call yourself a ferrari. I say kup chai.

I say your title is now just an antique only good for the museum. But now history will probably remember you differently. Prove me wrong at the Olympiad. And don't try to shift the blame when you return. You are the Captain (read kambing hitam) and you came in through the backdoor. Now show us why you think you deserve that post over better players than you. You now carry the burden of responsibility and accountability to the entire Chess Community.


  1. During the 90s, our company adapted to the times. Reorganization, restructuring, re-engineering, re-arming, multitasking. Those who did not want change were asked to retire. Ray, it is 2012 already :)

  2. Yes. We have the situation now that those that do not want to improve sabotage others instead. And in doing so they hold back and/or damage the players that want to break new grounds.

    They seem to believe that nobody apart from them can teach chess. They don't even recognise mental training in a mind sport. That is how lost they are.

    And to make matters worse, they don't even dare to compete anymore. They keep insisting on the backdoor as a right when they cannot even fight with courage in a strong field.

    You are right. It is better they retire than to hold back a whole nation from improving.
