Monday, August 6, 2012

Attraction Marketing.

Attraction marketing is a very powerful and spiritual concept applied to business. Very simply this concept underlines changing yourself or your organisation rather than the impossible task of changing others for nothing markets better than personal success. When people see that success they will come to you. Hence attraction.

Now lets look at the diametrical opposite. Fear based marketing. Basically there is no success so tools of intimidation, obfuscation, PR campaigns that builds illusions etc. No rules.

This is basically the hole that Malaysian chess has fallen into. If we go back to Jimmy's claim of being Asia's best I think that after all the twisting and turning we would find that he used somebody else's success at the Olympiad and claimed it as his own. That was what I saw from the extremely convoluted explanations on the blogs. This is not new in our chess. I have seen other histories being rewritten.

All those tools to prevent the successful rise of people who actually put in the effort. They suppress, distort and vilify your work rather than do the work themselves. Think about it. If they really are as good as they claim, they will want to prove it on the table for everyone to see. Instead they hide and take pot shots. Instead they engineer the back doors so that their failure cannot be seen.

But does it work in today's world? In yesteryear they could play in obscure tournaments and then claim what they want. Today we have the Internet. The truth cannot be hidden anymore. When you play chess the whole world can see your thinking on the board. Question. Has anyone seen the games from Malaysian Close? Maybe it still can be shielded here to an extent with the help of the deal maker in MCF. But when they go to the Olympiad it will be in the glare of the light.

So really there is nowhere to hide. And why the need to try and hide when it is impossible today anyway? It only takes a minute of thinking to realise this.

So my suggestion is to stop trying to hide our flaws. Instead lets work on our weaknesses. Then we too can stand tall. No need to try and hide here and there. It cannot be done. All that anxious back door work leads nowhere. Lets put in good rules and proper competition. Forget all the cheap tricks of banning without cause to hide your own inadequacy. Then we too can be strong. But first we must confront our imagined fears.

Read this again. Here.

So let us try attraction marketing. If Jimmy is good, show us in the light. On the table. If Peter is good then show us your players. No need to attack other's players and no need to ban them. Attraction marketing means that you do it in broad daylight. Then all will see and then they will come to you because you are good at what you do. Being a good con man doesn't quite cut it unless that is what they want to learn too. But then there will be no medals. It doesn't really work beyond our shores. One or two suspect games maybe. Then the same problem will arise again. You cannot play good chess at today's International levels.

So Jimmy, do it in the light. Then you can speak with authority. No need to be fearful of competition from the Juniors. Did you see how Lin Dan and Chong Wei related to each other? They allow the better man to win, on the court. You and your man/woman in MCF are sacrificing and sabotaging Malaysian chess for your ego and illicit gains.

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