Saturday, April 14, 2012

My reply to Yeoh Chin Seng.

Please refer to comments. Here.

Dear Chin Seng,

You have a right to your own opinion having brought up a strong chess player in Li Tian. I do not think any player disputes his strength.

But I wonder who you mean by the chess community. Jimmy, Peter, Najib or that person who hides his identity behind the pseudonym Chess Ninja?

Lets not talk about Jimmy, he has raised no one and is about to be retired. Peter now has his best student in Roshan so he has some credibility for that accomplishment. Maybe he can speak with more authority if he raises Roshan to greater heights. But I have my doubts he can do that.

As for Najib, he calls himself a trainer but has yet to even bring up anyone we have heard of. So all he can justifiably claim is that he plays some kind of chess. He can also claim to be an arbiter but also not a very professional one as we saw in NJ 2010 where he left the selection in disarray by not showing up during the play off and leaving unclear criteria.

Is that the sum total of your community? The ones that is being destroyed? I hope you won't mention the anonymous comments. Agree?

So let me tell you about the rest of us. Let me tell you about the ones who don't agree with your selfish attempts to bring in Li Tian via the backdoor.

Lets start with the sponsorship given by Dato Tan. There were many angry words spoken about that by others in the community. They see Dato Tan as the Honorary President of MCF and not as a private individual. At that time I defended the sponsorship by viewing it as a private event. But others did not think so and still do not.

The first time you turned your back on me was in NJ 2010 after Li Tian's disappointing performance. But that is just chess. The kids perform in spurts. This year Li Tian is doing well and Mark has his STPM. So what's the rush? Sponsorship?

Then why didn't you let him play SEA games selection or National Junior last year? Isn't that the proper way?

I know there were attempts to bring Li Tian in for SEA games via the backdoor and you were upset when we brought in selection.

You may not realise this since your chess community consist of those few people. But this is one of the reasons why there is serious talk about challenging for the top post.

And some of the things said are not very rational either. Anger begets anger and injustice begets injustice.

So what happens to the rest of us who wants to play clean chess in this drama of action and reaction? Would we become collateral damage as a result of your selfish action?

Chin Seng, you are inside a very small minority of cronies. Don't talk about the community. You have no clue what is going on and the people you have pissed off.

And don't for a second think that Jimmy and his cronies belligerence is going to intimidate anyone. It may have worked before but not in today's world.

I have been told time and time again the same thing chess ninja posted on the link above. Do you guys really think we are stupid just because you have learnt how to cut and paste?

That is why I suggest we use clear selection criteria in a proper tournament. That will be better for all. You can see this too if you can get rid of your God complex.

Neither you nor Jimmy and his cronies can tell the rest of the chess community who should represent Malaysia. That is not your right. The only right you have is to your own opinion of your son.

Just like I have the right to my opinion.

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