Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What do we need in a President?

The popular opinion is that we need a "sugar daddy" type President. One who gets us sponsors, pay the bills when we have project overruns etc. The best is also if he is divorced from chess or operations. In fact the less he knows or interferes in the smooth running of individual profits the better.

So I've been observing the effects of such a leader over many years. My conclusion is that this type of leader fosters weakness. I have heard many players complain that they would have been great if only they had the "right" support etc. etc.

I haven't actually heard anyone say I'll make it on my own steam. Jimmy describes it well here. I can only hope this means he has decided to stop being a chicken and this is not just another one of his Jedi mind tricks.

So what do we need in our President?

I think I have convincingly argued that there is enough money that MCF can generate to fund the many needed activities if we can stop the leakages. So we don't need a "sugar daddy". I think we need someone like the strict headmaster that I used to have when I was in school. Someone who takes no nonsense, makes decision without fear or favour. Someone who can crack the whip and has no other agenda except what is best for the entire chess community.

But as we have seen, the moment he tries to put in place proper guidelines and code of conduct he is going to face tremendous resistance. So there is an additional caveat. He needs to have his own team so that he can keep things running while he deals with this terrible culture that we have.

I think those are the minimum attributes. A lot of things have happened over the last few years and we have moved forward a little. To cement the small progress that we have achieved I think we need this change of leadership.

Note: I hope that if this change occurs, we can all bury the hatchett and move forward as a real chess community. But one with fair rules. Not the cowboy status that we now have.

I also hope no one challenges for the top post just so you can put in your own cronies and hidden agendas. If that happens then we will just go round and round and still be in the same spot 30 years from now.

Do read the post below again. Then it's up to the delegates to vote wisely.

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