Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is a chess Association?

The Association exists to serve the chess community. It's only agenda is to promote the game of chess. There can be no other private agendas.

So the chess official is not there to serve a few players but all players. The official is not there to serve a few parents but all parents. And the officials are elected and entrusted to do that job. And they are empowered to act on behalf of all the members to enter into negotiations and contracts with sponsors and suppliers to fulfill that obligation.

So it is not for an official to say who should play for the State or the Country. That is his personal opinion. He just has to follow the agreed guidelines. For in truth the official is not a boss. He is there to serve the entire chess community impartially. Ergo he is a servant. This is the simple and apparent fact.

If the official wants to be a boss, then he has to go out into the world to fight for his rightful place as a boss. For it is not easy to be a boss. You have to prove yourself in the market place. You have to compete with other bosses and come up with good product and services to survive. And if you make it, you finally get labelled a boss. For that is a label of achievement.

As a boss you have more rights. You have earned your money in the market place. You have paid the price. None can question how you now choose to spend your own money.

But if you choose to remain in Association you are a servant official. And if you do your job well, you will be a respected public servant.

This is the clear and apparent truth.

Next: How did we get so twisted as evidenced by the blog wars. A clue. A friend called me and asked why I bother with such nasty people. My answer was, it is because they are nasty. If they were decent people then there is nothing for me to write. I don't think it is right for our children to be victim to their nastiness.

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