Thursday, April 19, 2012

We need a test case.

Their case is that our juniors today is much weaker than the juniors during their time.

My case is that our juniors today are systematically sabotaged by a glass ceiling. The only way for the juniors to progress today is if they are broken, their parents are broken; when you are "one" of them.

My case is that when that happens they will have taken away the only thing that will help them succeed. Their self confidence and their dignity. Not only in chess but in life as well. And that is too heavy a price to pay.

Ego, you are not to obey the rules for there are none but forced to obey their rules which keep changing.

And I have shown you many examples that I have witnessed. Parents are used shamelessly as we are now seeing in the example of the new deputy President. Look here. Zuhri's name is not even on the MCF website yet. The money he raised and which he said would go towards sponsoring the current National Junior Champion has been "misappropriated". And so many other cases. Even one where a "trainer" makes national policies.

I have used the word God complex many times in my posts. There are some people who think they have the right to promote who they think is a "strong" player. They ask for a diversion of funds to sponsor these players on the grounds of ratings and some orchestrated showcasing. I will write more on that later. But in the meantime please consider the issues yourself.

There are private organisers who think they can "ban" any national player they don't like. We even have one that now openly talks about it on his blog. See here. This is the man we need to rely on to be fair to all. That's what an arbiter means. I will be answering his post later.

This is the arrogance of absolute power. Somehow over the years they have come to the conclusion that they can do whatever they want. Make and unmake any rule they like.

Players, parents and other trainers/coaches/organisers not in their "camp" are just pawns in their game to enrich themselves.

And they can do that because they know they can use the tool of intimidation on parents and players. Once broken or played out most do not want it publicised for fear of public embarrassment.

They rely on that one fact to keep their game going. Divide and rule.

And it has worked for many years. And we have let them. And so over time they feel they can do anything and we will always be compliant. I think it's time to tell them they are wrong. I think it's time for a test case in the courts of law. For without which we can never amass the needed evidence to prosecute. We need a court order to compel "sight" of the evidence.

And so we need a legal slush fund to bring an agreed test case to the courts. I will write more on this after the weekend. I hope you will consider this move at least. I strongly believe it the best way to stop the rampant and now even very open abuse of power. I will lay out the mechanics on how it will work and what you can do to help later.

We need to take back the controls as probably the biggest stakeholders in chess. The correct new President will help but I think we need to rely on ourselves more rather than hope that this will happen. Think about it.

We need a test case to see if they really have the powers they claim they have.

All my best.

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