Sunday, February 9, 2014

Should we lobby for KL Open to advertise their requirements for entry?

I think we should. Let me try to explain why. How many International Fide classical tournaments do we have in Malaysia under the auspices of MCF? We only have 3 at the moment. KL Open, Malaysian Open and Penang Open.

And this is the selection criteria. Here.

Does it make sense that if MCF is to put down those criteria then the players need to be given equal chance for exposure? Of the 3 tournaments only KL Open have very peculiar entry requirements. All others advertise except for KL Open. In the case of KL Open, you need to write in to Peter and he only sees the emails of his cronies.

And so you will find that many top players in Malaysia will be denied entry as Peter does not get along with many people here. Ref: Here. How many Malaysian players do you see here?

An aside: Fadli contacted me about this and I said that I will be contacting the President of KLCA to argue my case. He then asked me if I was trying to get a back door for Mark. And I said no. I will be requesting that KLCA opens it's doors to all eligible Malaysian players.

Let me explain further why I think this is important for all of us. During the last MCF AGM, we heard many State Associations attacking the previous Council of MCF for the very things they were doing themselves. MCF is made up of the State Affiliates. And the State Affiliates is made up of the clubs, which is made up of the players and parents.

So where does change start? Should it not be at the level of the State Affiliates and it's individual members? If we cannot change the parts then how will the whole change? We may all be pretty helpless at the National level. But we are not so helpless at the State and club levels. So if we see something wrong should we not speak up?

For MCF ultimately only mirrors what the States are. And so on.

So yes, we should lobby. We can lobby respectfully and explaining our reasons. Actually many States are misled since many in their committee are new to the politics of MCF and so biased criteria and hidden agendas find easy passage. That is why it is important for all of us to learn about the issues and speak up.

Everyone of us has a role and we should do what we can from where we are. Actually it is quite pointless to ask for change in MCF if the States don't change. If the individual members don't change and ask for their rights.

KLCA is a State Affiliate. How can it hide under the guise of effectively banning without grounds? How can it be used to propagate a private chess academy and to pursue private grievances? That is simply not correct.

Note: We need to show we are different from the gangsters. The gangsters use intimidation, lies and slander. We are better than that. We should learn how to reason out our case. Then change will come. Or else the gangsters will rule chess forevermore. 

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