Thursday, November 25, 2010

MCF's Thanksgiving pledge

In a sudden turnaround a MCF official announced a pledge that they will bring back medals from every category within the next 3 Asean games out of respect for the American Thanksgiving day and Hillary Clinton's recent visit. Not only that but they will send full teams with a proper Coach and undertake a comprehensive competitors analysis. To optimise our chances of medals MCF will begin the training of the players asap breaking a long held tradition of last minute preparations in this Thanksgiving pledge.

The official explained that this turnaround came as a result of the officials coming to the sudden realisation that they should do this as a way of showing gratitude for all the benefits that they have enjoyed in their posts for so long. This is to honour the players, parents and sponsors, past and present, who have sacrificed so much for the game.

"It's about time we give something concrete back too" said the official. "If we fail to deliver we have all pledged to resign enblock".

Sounds fair to me.

This announcement was posted anonymously.

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