Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Round up.

If you go to Jimmy's site now, you will see that they have gone back to the argument that studies are more important to Asian families. This is another attempt at creating a glass ceiling.

The truth is we do not know. I have spoken to many juniors and their parents. Just look at the heavy price they have all made. Many have stated that they started out with the dream of being the first GM. The fact is there are too many roadblocks for them to move any further than they have now.

Consider this. If we put our focus on training our juniors before international tournaments, if we embraced competitor analysis, if good sponsors are not slandered, if players that are willing to pay the price are facilitated and not "banned", if officials are not sacked without basis and against the constitution when they bring in new sponsors, if new academies were allowed to bring in new value without being attacked etc etc.

Would all these things bring us closer to that first GM or further away? That should be the focus. Not coming up with new excuses every day.

To get all that done we just need a fully functioning MCF. That's all. MCF has brought in selection for SEA games. I hear the next selection is for the Olympiads. If we do not go backwards, we are in the right direction. That is already partly accomplished.

Now all we need is for MCF to bring to account the slanderers and the errant organisers. One step at a time.

The debate over the last few weeks have opened many of our eyes. Think on it. Don't fall for the lies anymore.

Without a dream, men perish. We are also much more aware of the technical gaps. Good blog after good blog is bringing us the latest games and ideas. But that in itself is still insufficient.

We still need that compass to give us direction. Right now we have built a car but without the fuel. Or maybe it's just the spark plugs that are missing. Either way, this car wont move forward if the roadblocks are not contained or removed.

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