Sunday, April 18, 2010

What is the deal for the Trainers?

What is the deal for the trainers in the First GM proposal for Asean players?

I got a call this morning from one of the trainers on the list under consideration. I didnt get his question at first but after some consideration I note his concern and consider it genuine.

His question to me was what was the catch? Is there a tie to first GM if he takes part? Will I go to him later and ask him to do questionable things because he feels obligated?

My answer is no. Let me try to explain again. MCF made an offer to the Asean Players. First GM looked at it and thought we can bring additional value from our corporate backers. In the original package from MCF there is no training. We had no part in that decision.

With the help of our backers we want to bring training to the players for the same or maybe even a lower price. This is our initiative to bring more value.

To add further we value we want to train the trainers. We hope the trainers will then impart these skills to their players. First GM does not need to benefit from this. We are even considering paying the trainers for expenses if the budget allows.

To add further further value, we also hope to reduce the burden to the parents by getting them subsidised tickets. Hopefully free. But no promises.

And to add further further further value, we are also hoping to send a coach with the players to Subic bay. Again if the budget allows. That coach has not been decided on yet because we do not have all the details yet.

All of these for the same or LOWER cost to parents and players than the original MCF offer.

And to maybe add further further further and further value if we can also get cheaper or free tickets for the officials, MCF may be able to reduce the fee they charge to participants. But that will be up to MCF.

These are the issues under consideration. In this consideration please join the dots and remember that MCF and First GM are 2 separate entities. MCF is an NGO and First GM is an academy doing business. And we can collaborate if the collaboration can bring further benefit to the chess community. And each of us make our own decisions.

I hope we can stick to the issues at hand and not bring in your suspicions, imagined fears. Stick to the facts. It is not complicated unless we bring in our fears and past baggage.

The question under consideration is if First GM is bringing additional value to the table or NOT. This can be mathematically quantified for simple reasoning. Treat this like a chess puzzle.

You can also look at this as First GM's corporate social responsibilty (CSR) to the chess community.

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