Friday, November 15, 2013

FGM's wish for our National Junior Championship 2013.

It is our hope and wish that as many strong Juniors as possible will play in this event. And that this event will be fought cleanly in healthy competition with no untoward incident.

You may wonder why we make such a wish and so I will try to explain it clearer here. And I hope you will try to follow my reasoning. You see, for us to have our own strong players who can hold their heads up in International tournament and win honors for Malaysia we need clean competition.

That is the only way. If we practice what is implied in this story, here, our GM won't come. We will only be producing more weak players. The short cuts, the back doors don't work. You will need at least a deal in every other tournament and you will need to prop up those players in perpetuity. So let them compete to build them up.

FGM wants to be tested. We want to know if our training camp is any good. Ref: Here. And if we fall short then we want to know what we must fix in order to improve. And for that to happen we need a clean contest for accurate evaluation. That is all. If we look at chess as a medium in which we can gauge our personal development then chess becomes a powerful tool for progress.

And so the stronger the field, the better the test will be. It's that simple.

A short note to MCF. I am sure you are now aware of a recent International incident which involved the President of The Philippines Chess Federation, The President of the Indonesian Chess Federation as well as the Secretary General of Fide concerning the harassment of a 15 year old boy by one of our arbiters. I think that was another embarrassment to Malaysia that we could have done without. So I am sure you must have taken steps to ensure this never happens again. But in case it slipped your collective attention, this is just a friendly reminder.

All my best for Malaysian chess.

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