Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why using rating as the primary basis makes us weak.

The first time I deeply investigated this was after Mas's draw at the last Olympiad from a winning position against an opponent 300 Elo points higher and then reading about a team who was on average 300 Elo points below their respective opponents and they won 31/2 to 1/2. So how come that team can do that and why we can't.

So let us examine the Jimmy method closer. We had a strong clue when we saw him playing in the Veterans at the last Malaysian Open and Yee Weng played in the Open as preparation for SEA games. So unless you say that Jimmy has lost his marbles then I have nothing more to add. But maybe there is a "rational" reason. Maybe there is a Jimmy method to keep us backwards.

So this is my supposition. He chooses his tournaments carefully. If there is a strong field then he won't play. For a while I was hearing that Myanmar was the place to go to if you want Fide rating. Apparently it could have been fixed there and it was a sort of business. Then I heard the whole Country was punished by Fide and every player there had their rating reduced. And I also heard that we used to do the same here.

So rating can be cooked. But it is not so easy nowadays. There are people watching all the time. But it still can be done once in a while by personal agreement say in a hotel room between 2 people. Very hard to stop that. If they play from a past game then it can be spotted by someone vigilant and if games are posted. So this method will need a sympathetic arbiter to be safe. Maybe Fide has the power to call up the games to examine. I'm not sure. So maybe today it is safer to play a sub standard game. Harder to catch but also more transparent. Or maybe a mixture of methods.

So rating alone is not ironclad.

And playing for rating alone as we saw with Jimmy at the Veterans also does this. When our players meet a stronger player they will not be trying to find a win but to protect their rating. Why? That is also to protect their future selection chances. So we will not see the type of success that Country had at the last Olympiad. Our selection system does not support that. Our selection system supports the Jimmy method. And now he wants to teach it to our kids. And for that he broke Zhuo Ren. And he is now slowly teaching that to Li Tian with his father's blessing.

Well that is their business.

All I am saying is that the fighters who do not go for the Jimmy method and want to play fighting chess also need to be assured of a chance to compete in a level field. We want a choice. We do not want to be railroaded into a trap that keeps us backwards. And for that we need a proper selection for our training philosophy will leave us with a lower rating but we believe we are not inferior players. But now they don't give anyone a chance to take on the Jimmy method do they?

So is this a conspiracy to keep Malaysia weak? One would think that MCF would have worked it now by now right? So who in MCF is supporting the Jimmy method? What would be his/her gain? What is the price of sabotaging the whole Nation?

The normal way is for the chess to improve and then the rating goes up as a result. The Jimmy method creates an inflated rating first. And then that rating becomes the problem. Look at our team now and their board placing. So Malaysia will meet weaker and stronger teams. One factor will have changed in todays chess. The lower rated players will be playing much stronger chess. So say a 2200 out there will be of the playing strength of our 2400s. That will be my working theory anyway. So lets see what will happen at the Olympiad. After all a theory is only any use if it can predict. Who will be sacrificed and who will come back with a chance for a gain in rating from playing the lower boards.

Go back and look at those few people who support the Jimmy method. Now why would they support a system like that? What would they gain? Are they really supporting the Malaysian Team? Isn't the Malaysian team supposed to fight for Malaysia and not just rating and ego's? What do you think?

I think for us to have the type of success we see in other Countries, we need to scrap the Jimmy method and put is a proper selection. Isn't it obvious by now? So is there collusion between Jimmy and MCF or is a monkey running things? Conspiracy Theory 3. Maybe? Circumstantial?

Note: Did I not predict that selection will be withdrawn? Did I not predict Li Tian's probable result at NC2012?

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