Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So do you see it now?

The fact that Jimmy said that he will consider playing in the Olympiad team before the official announcement means he already knew what the criteria was when the rest of the chess community was still in the dark. Please pause here and reflect on this. There cannot be any more irrefutable evidence of collusion.

This is match fixing. It cannot be more plain than that. There was no selection. Jimmy was preparing the ground for the announcement of his name and probably his team. It was a deal, not chess.

What do we know from SEA games selection? Mok was wiped out in the field. It was also getting very apparent that another IM was going to eat dirt soon if selection continues. The writing was on the wall and Jimmy's name was on it. Can you now understand why he needed to get Zhuo Ren to write that email? Why he needed to attack Sumant the way he did? And why he is so fearful of FGM? I train my players to fight in selection with no respect for titles. I train them to only respect chess. I teach strategy and train mental strength. So FGM has to go.

But this won't work unless he has support in MCF. Specifically the "selection committee". Now I have said this committee doesn't exist. Actually there is only one person calling the shots. And that person is probably Greg.

So this is also called unfair competition. FGM has broken no laws and my players have broken no rules. We are legally established and doing needed work for the chess community. We trained the juniors before International tournament, we brought in training tournaments in the form of Thematics. And we trained the first junior to enter the senior team via selection. MCF is mandated to give us protection to carry out our business without harassment. But instead it is MCF that is the problem isn't it? But that is very hard to prove. I have been writing a long time and still many cannot see. But the selection is different. The fraud here is very very very transparent. They have grown arrogant.

Now is this worth investigating? Is this worth a report to COS? Ref: Here.

There is more. We now have a situation where if you train and try to challenge for your rightful place you are attacked till you do what Sumant did. You withdraw from competition. You don't want to piss them off . And so you learn to wait. Ref: Here.

But we have a lot of strong players don't we? And there are only 5 places for the Olympiad. And you are taught to slowly wait for your turn. In the meantime your chess deteriorates or you too go into Association to give your player a chance. You too learn to deal and do some ass kissing or your player is finished. And then they will demand that the player does that ass kissing himself too. Or we will ban him. Isn't that the story? And then whatever GM potential or other potential there was in the player at one time will be gone forever. In its place you will see a broken player. And then we send these guys to the Olympiad.

Far fetched? Look again at what is happening in plain sight. It is very very transparent.

In this drama, what happened to the chess?

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