Monday, August 5, 2013

Update with news from MCF.

Ref: Here.

It does look like we are heading for another confrontation. So let us recap what this is all about. Chess is not a cheap sport if our aim is to achieve International standards and so this call for an EGM will be pertinent to all trainers/coaches/organisers/players and parents who are going for the sky.

So why is this such an important event? In the past when there has been sabotage/abuse of power we found that we were unable to appeal to the higher authorities without being punished further. If we appeal to MCF then we may find that MCF itself is used to attack us instead of getting justice. So there was no redress and often the victims are later seen huddling in the numerous corridors of tournament venues and whispering in dark corners afraid of being overheard by certain MCF officials or their cronies.

And usually the victims are stakeholders who have contributed the most to Malaysian chess. So this had to stop or we will not be able to progress. We can only thrive if we become a rule based community and all stakeholders can achieve fair play and justice.

So if the call for the EGM is rule and issue based then this will be a new milestone for MCF. This appeal is necessary if MCF itself is found not following the rules. And the next higher authority is the COS. If this precedent is achieved then we will have formulated a proper process for dispute resolution.

So here is the update. I have been referred to Encik Muammar who is the ethics and compliance officer of MCF, who is a lawyer by profession, to conduct an interview so that we can hear both sides of the story. Ref: Here. This interview is conducted on the premise that Encik Zuhri will have right of reply.

Note: This being Hari Raya season as well as the coming Malaysian Open, the interviews may take some time to finish as it is conducted by email and all of us are busy.

FGM's position and interest in this matter.

FGM is an affected party to the extent that our previous attempts to coach and organise chess events have been met with attacks and sabotage seemingly arising from within the previous administration of MCF. So our interest is in seeing a rule based MCF so that we may continue our business within clear guidelines. In that capacity we hope to facilitate informed decisions by conducting the interviews for a better environment for the entire chess community in Malaysia. We are however non partisan and have no interest in seeking positions within MCF. In that contest we are strictly neutral and will work with any party towards the stated aims.

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